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Solar Energy myths


We all know the benefits of solar energy but are some where caught by the myths about this also. So today here we will discuss major solar energy myths.



The first myth which comes to our mind is the poor efficiency of solar panels. But do you know the efficiency of the grid system? The total power losses from the generation plant to your home? The efficiency of the grid system is even worst then the solar energy.

A typical solar panel has the efficiency of around 18%-19%, means is converts the 18-19% of the solar energy falling on it to the electric energy. But the efficiency of our grid system is around 16%-17% only, means we get only 16%-17% of the energy generated at the plant. So here solar energy is quite comparable with the grid energy.



The second myth which comes to our mind on this is the higher cost of solar system. Yes! It is higher but if you see for the long term it’s just like free. It recovers its all investment in a year or two and the rest is all your profit. But the grid system has the advantage of low initial investment but suffers with the lifelong bills. Here also the solar energy wins.


Installation space

Yes this is somehow the point to think. But if you see, the solar energy density in our country is quite high or around 4KW-5KW per sq. m. and if we talk about the final installation we get around 150W per sq.m. Which is not a big space. But honestly when you talk in respect to the grid systems, it has negligible space for installation in your house. Here the grid system wins the battle.


Load capacity

This is also a big myth that the solar system can’t bear big loads. But this is not true, today we can see a heavy capacity UPS and inverter to bear the heavy loads.

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